
Zotero vs EndNote: 2006 – 2011

April 11, 2008

Mewburn, Inger. 2011-03-17. “Zotero vs Endnote 4: the battle is on!” In this post PhD student, Gabriel Oguda, who is studying for an MPhil in Health Promotion at the University of Bergen in Norway, argued in favour of Zotero.

There was a conflict between firefox and therefore zotero on the PC (Vista?) setup I began using in 2007 and continue to use. With the crashes, clean-up and switch I was forced back to Internet Explorer and “lost” the zotero library I had been slowing building. Since then I haven’t taken the risk of switching back to Firefox and I miss many of its features.

My Endnote librairies remained intact as I had backed them up in multiple spaces both virtual and really real.

Since the crashes, clean-up and switch, I have been drawn back to Endnote as the safety deposit box of my webliographies and bibliographies.

I am not comfortable being so dependent on a product I cannot update (since I am no longer affiliated with the academic institutions that provided me with access and or licensed software)
But EndNote is reliable, robust and ready-to-use. It is really like FoxPro’s dynamic query searching (relational query by example?) capacity.

End Note Search It lets me break the rules a little so I can use it to keep track of glossaries, timelines, biographies using their titles fields, etc in unconventional ways. It generates useful data such as my timelines in .html format. It lets me share my bibliographies seamlessly on my blogs.

It’s a bit like owning a very old Volvo (my licensed EndNote software dates from c. 2002-3? and will not support the http://www.myendnoteweb.com Alex so kindly recommended) that is ultra solid and dependable when I know I really cannot afford the repairs. Except that so much of my data is softwere dependent and there is always that concern that I might lose access to my own research as I did with FoxPro, ToolBook and Olympus. (Files no longer open because I am missing licensed upgrades). This was my motivation for experimenting with open source.

My original speechless page (2006-12-13) speechless >> web 2.0 >> Zotero vs EndNote has been attracting the most visits of all my posts lately so I have decided to update it as this post entitled “Zotero vs EndNote: 2006 – 2008”.

I would be really interested in Alex Liberzon’s experiences with http://www.myendnoteweb.com, http://www.CiteULike.org and LaTeX. See Zotero vs EndNote post (2007-01-23) has been finding out about . Says: January 23, 2007 at 7:52 pm e

Like Farrel Buchinsky (2007-02-17) I am looking forward to a seamless interface between Google docs, open source word processors and Zotero, Connotea or even Endnote (?) where citations and bibliographies will be automatically generated. My wish list/to-do-list continues to include a library database using Zotero that has compatibilities with free source like Google docs that worked like EndNote and the big name proprietorial software (BNPS) I became dependent on.

Since working with Google docs I have enjoyed the fact the my PC does not crash as it used to with the BNPS. But I still haven’t taken the time to learn how to integrate zotero with Google docs (or grant applications and manuscripts). Once I do I will post it. I use my own blog more as a How-did-I-do-that? not as a How-you-should-do-it?. There are better sites for the latter. I am a bricoleuse.

I would like to really use My EndNote Web as Alex Leberzon suggested but this service is only available for EndNote 10 licensed users. I’m EndNote 8. I have also started to investigate Cite-U-Like but I am discouraged by its academic criteria-based exclusivity. (I’m not even sure it accepts New York Times and Wall Street Journal articles? Concepts of authority (who can be a knower?) need to be re-examined in the era of Web 2.0+.) I still prefer deli.ci.ous. I have not been able to update my MySwickis and my Customized Google Search as much as I would like as these are invaluable resources for focused research.

Testing COinS Generator:

(Žižek, Slavoj. 2004. Organs without Bodies: on Deleuze and Consequences. New York/London. Routledge)

COins Generator

8 Responses to “Zotero vs EndNote: 2006 – 2011”

  1. maurozampolini Says:

    I had no problem on using firefox and zotero with vista. I have endnote and problem to import large database in zotero.
    I would suggest to use a biomedical social networking http://www.biomedexperts.com
    Mauro Zampolini

  2. Dennis Mcbean Says:

    Both has its pros and cons, but i’ll say, my vote goes to Zotero because it’s much easier to use.

    If you desire the responsivenes of Endnote and the versatility of Zotero, perhaps you should take a look at WizFolio Web 2.0.

    It is a web-based reference manager which provides innovative tools not offered by others. For instance, when viewing PDFs I can copy the references I want; clicking a button in WizFolio Web 2.0 immediately imports these references from clipboard into my collection.

    It has an in-text citation tool that allows to the change citation style very quickly.

    maybe you wanna find out more http://www.wizfolio.com

  3. charlie Says:

    I had just installed zotero in firefox 3 and noticed that all youtube video now stalled at 2 sec (even though the buffer kept filling). Uninstalling zotero fixed the problem. I’m new to this type of tool although I’ve long wanted something like it. The search goes on.

  4. Melissa Says:

    I dun like Endnote. It’s difficult to use.

    And I think it’s ironic that the free software tools Zotero and WizFolio have features unavailable in both software.

    For example, WizFolio is totally web-based. And it can find the PDfs for my references with just one-click.

    Very impressive.

  5. josh whitkin Says:

    It’s sorta related, so I’ll just mention that I wrote a free little tool for researchers.

    Problem: when copying multiple lines of text from PDF into Word documents, there’s no easy way to merge multiple lines of text into a single paragraph in Word. The busy author must hand-edit, line by line, removing line breaks and adding spaces.

    Solution: With this simple macro for Microsoft Word 2007, press CTRL-SHIFT-V and the clipboard’s text is pasted without CR/LF “wrap” characters, so you get a single, merged line of text.

    https://sourceforge.net/projects/wordwrap-macro/ (V1 works with Word 2007 on Vista in English, but it’s open-source; feel free to improve it)

    It’s humble, but it works. I hope this is useful to many people. Please spread the word.

    Josh Whitkin – Lecturer, Games Art & Design, Murdoch University

  6. Matt Says:

    Josh – that sounds like a fantastic tool, hand-editing pasted text from pdf documents drives me crazy! I’m struggling to work out how to actually import your .bas file into Word, though? Sorry if I’m being ultra dense!

  7. moosavy Says:

    I saw that your posts have COins metadata. I want to make my posts z39.50 and coins compatible. how can I do it?

  8. […] blogger som foretrekker Zotero. En annen blogger som er litt ambivalent. En grundig og skikkelig sammenligning av Zotero og Endnote av en digital […]

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